Data format

The data file can be a standard text file (ASCII) or an Excel file (.xls).
Also, it can be in Eisen's Cluster format.

Dataset must be organized in rows and columns.
Your data columns must be separated by space characters (white spaced or Tab delimited), a semicolon ( ; ) or a colon ( : ).
It is possible to state that a space character must not be interpreted as a delimiter (Cf. options).
This may be useful when the space character is used in row or column identifiers.

By default, the first row of the file is used for column identifiers.
If the columns have no identifiers, this must be indicated in the Options dialog box.

By default, the first column of the file is used for row identifiers.
If the rows have no identifiers, this must be indicated in the Options dialog box.

  These different specifications are stated in the Data area of the Treatment Options dialog box.