Sequence filename : /auto/dufayard/res/2.4.5/nucleic_M2733_60x1207_2006.phy Data type : dna Sequence format : interleaved Number of data sets : 1 Nb of bootstrapped data sets : 0 Model name : GTR Proportion of invariable sites : 0.000000 Number of subst. rate categs : 4 Gamma distribution parameter : estimated Starting tree : BIONJ Optimise tree topology : yes Optimise branch lengths and rate parameters : yes . Compressing sequences... . Computing pairwise distances... . Building BIONJ tree... . Nbytes = 21644064 . Log(lk) : * -> -12268.541995 . Log(lk) : -12268.541995 -> -12073.122671 6 swaps done . Log(lk) : -12073.122671 -> -12052.649379 5 swaps done . Log(lk) : -12052.649379 -> -12044.963188 3 swaps done . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10981.492919 -> -10969.630763 5 swaps done . Log(lk) : -10969.630763 -> -10967.215701 3 swaps done . Log(lk) : -10967.215701 -> -10966.000639 1 swap done . Log(lk) : -10966.000639 -> -10965.632694 0 swap done . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10948.332773 -> -10948.094304 1 swap done . Log(lk) : -10948.094304 -> -10948.127778 1 swap done . Moving backward (topology + branch lengths) . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10948.094304 -> -10947.889198 1 swap done . Log(lk) : -10947.889198 -> -10947.773905 0 swap done . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10947.772201 -> -10947.738276 0 swap done . Log(lk) : -10947.738276 -> -10947.714676 1 swap done . Log(lk) : -10947.714676 -> -10947.653662 0 swap done . Log(lk) : -10947.653662 -> -10947.648327 0 swap done . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10947.638317 -> -10947.635798 0 swap done . Log(lk) : -10947.635798 -> -10947.634944 0 swap done . Last optimization step... . Log(lk) : * -> -10947.634506 . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10947.634506 -> -10947.633910 . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10947.633910 -> -10947.633765 . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10947.633765 -> -10947.633731 . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10947.633731 -> -10947.633722 . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10947.633722 -> -10947.633720 . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10947.633720 -> -10947.633718 . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -10947.633718 -> -10947.633718 . Optimisation of the GTR parameters... . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Final Log(lk) : -10947.633718 . Time used 0h0m49s %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 47.78user 0.00system 0:49.08elapsed 97%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+0minor)pagefaults 0swaps