Sequence filename : /auto/dufayard/res/parc_wim/proteic_M1376_36x484_2003.phy Data type : aa Sequence format : interleaved Number of data sets : 1 Nb of bootstrapped data sets : 0 Model name : WAG Proportion of invariable sites : 0.000000 Number of subst. rate categs : 4 Gamma distribution parameter : estimated Starting tree : BIONJ Optimise tree topology : yes Optimise branch lengths and rate parameters : yes . Compressing sequences... . Computing pairwise distances... . Building BIONJ tree... N_RGRFT: 13 N_GLOBL: 6 MAX_DIST: 6 . Log(lk) : * -> -11776.777417 . Log(lk) : -11776.777417 -> -11679.887864 5 swaps done . Log(lk) : -11679.887864 -> -11662.122664 4 swaps done . Log(lk) : -11662.122664 -> -11659.337245 1 swap done . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -11540.543485 -> -11538.664417 2 swaps done . Log(lk) : -11538.664417 -> -11538.264575 1 swap done . Log(lk) : -11538.264575 -> -11538.388004 1 swap done . Moving backward (topology + branch lengths) . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -11538.264575 -> -11537.835564 1 swap done . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -11537.835564 -> -11537.639764 0 swap done . Log(lk) : -11537.639764 -> -11537.623085 0 swap done . Log(lk) : -11537.623085 -> -11537.619038 0 swap done . Log(lk) : -11537.619038 -> -11537.617859 0 swap done . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -11537.617444 -> -11537.616994 0 swap done Trying SPR moves -calculating tree distances and estimating likelihoods making move: 31 -> 17 (0.859183) Log (lk): -11531.884205 . Log(lk) : -11531.884205 -> -11531.337511 1 swap done . Log(lk) : -11531.337511 -> -11531.128618 0 swap done . Log(lk) : -11531.128618 -> -11531.108292 0 swap done . Optimisation of the gamma shape parameter... . Log(lk) : -11531.097809 -> -11531.094750 0 swap done . Log(lk) : -11531.094750 -> -11531.094143 0 swap done Trying SPR moves -calculating tree distances and estimating likelihoods -performing local edge length optimizations -performing global edge length optimization Log (lk): -11531.106034 nr_d_L: 4628 nr_d_lk: 2133 nr_loc: 100 nr_glb: 6 . Time used 0h2m38s %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 157.84user 0.00system 2:38.13elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+0minor)pagefaults 0swaps