.......................... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CURRENT SETTINGS ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .......................... . Sequence filename : nucleic_M2588_68x1196_2006.phy . Data type : dna . Sequence format : interleaved . Number of data sets : 1 . Nb of bootstrapped data sets : 0 . Compute approximate likelihood ratio test : yes (SH-like branch supports) . Model name : GTR . Proportion of invariable sites : 0.000000 . Number of subst. rate categs : 4 . Gamma distribution parameter : estimated . 'Middle' of each rate class : mean . Nucleotide equilibrium frequencies : empirical . Optimise tree topology : no . Evaluted tree : file "user tree (RAxML_result.nucleic_M2588_68x1196_2006.phy_RAXML_CAT)" . Optimise branch lengths : yes . Optimise substitution model parameters : yes . Run ID : none oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo . 6 sites are made from completely undetermined states ('X', '-', '?' or 'N')... . Compressing sequences... . 730 patterns found. (out of a total of 1196 sites) . 526 sites without polymorphism (43.98%). . Reading tree... . This analysis requires at least 26Mo of memory space. . ( 1 sec) [ -12885.8870] [Branch lengths ] . ( 7 sec) [ -12293.2923] [GTR parameters ] . ( 8 sec) [ -12107.4334] [Alpha ][ 0.500960] . ( 9 sec) [ -12084.5218] [Branch lengths ] . ( 12 sec) [ -12080.2557] [GTR parameters ] . ( 12 sec) [ -12040.1317] [Alpha ][ 0.325721] . ( 13 sec) [ -12032.6778] [Branch lengths ] . ( 17 sec) [ -12030.2930] [GTR parameters ] . ( 17 sec) [ -12029.7045] [Alpha ][ 0.310006] . ( 17 sec) [ -12027.6848] [Branch lengths ] . ( 21 sec) [ -12027.4863] [GTR parameters ] . ( 21 sec) [ -12027.3850] [Alpha ][ 0.303879] . ( 22 sec) [ -12026.1084] [Branch lengths ] . ( 24 sec) [ -12026.0545] [GTR parameters ] . ( 24 sec) [ -12026.0518] [Alpha ][ 0.304851] . ( 25 sec) [ -12025.4377] [Branch lengths ] . ( 30 sec) [ -12025.4159] [GTR parameters ] . ( 31 sec) [ -12025.4083] [Alpha ][ 0.303079] . ( 31 sec) [ -12025.1971] [Branch lengths ] . ( 34 sec) [ -12025.1937] [GTR parameters ] . ( 34 sec) [ -12025.1926] [Alpha ][ 0.303674] . ( 35 sec) [ -12025.0965] [Branch lengths ] . ( 36 sec) [ -12025.0936] [GTR parameters ] . ( 37 sec) [ -12025.0931] [Alpha ][ 0.303149] . ( 37 sec) [ -12025.0551] [Branch lengths ] . ( 40 sec) [ -12025.0510] [GTR parameters ] . ( 41 sec) [ -12025.0510] [Alpha ][ 0.303149] . ( 41 sec) [ -12025.0327] [Branch lengths ] . ( 42 sec) [ -12025.0325] [GTR parameters ] . ( 42 sec) [ -12025.0325] [Alpha ][ 0.303149] . ( 43 sec) [ -12025.0248] [Branch lengths ] . ( 44 sec) [ -12025.0245] [GTR parameters ] . ( 44 sec) [ -12025.0245] [Alpha ][ 0.303149] . ( 45 sec) [ -12025.0206] [Branch lengths ] . ( 47 sec) [ -12025.0202] [GTR parameters ] . ( 47 sec) [ -12025.0202] [Alpha ][ 0.302846] . ( 48 sec) [ -12025.0183] [Branch lengths ] . ( 49 sec) [ -12025.0182] [GTR parameters ] . ( 49 sec) [ -12025.0182] [Alpha ][ 0.302846] . ( 50 sec) [ -12025.0174] [Branch lengths ] . ( 52 sec) [ -12025.0172] [GTR parameters ] . ( 52 sec) [ -12025.0172] [Alpha ][ 0.302846] . ( 53 sec) [ -12025.0168] [Branch lengths ] . ( 55 sec) [ -12025.0163] [GTR parameters ] . ( 55 sec) [ -12025.0163] [Alpha ][ 0.302846] . ( 56 sec) [ -12025.0163] [GTR parameters ] . ( 56 sec) [ -12025.0163] [Alpha ][ 0.302846] . Log likelihood of the current tree: -12025.016268. . Compute aLRT branch supports on the most likely tree... . Printing the most likely tree in file 'nucleic_M2588_68x1196_2006.phy_phyml_tree.txt'... . Time used 0h1m13s oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo java.lang.NullPointerException at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:103) at java.io.FileReader.(FileReader.java:55) at Recomp.(Recomp.java:114) at Recomp.main(Recomp.java:52)