IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 332 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 502 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 658 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 659 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 785 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 943 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data IMPORTANT WARNING: Sequences tax101 and tax102 are exactly identical IMPORTANT WARNING Found 1 sequence that is exactly identical to other sequences in the alignment. Normally they should be excluded from the analysis. IMPORTANT WARNING Found 6 columns that contain only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data. Normally these columns should be excluded from the analysis. Just in case you might need it, an alignment file with sequence duplicates and undetermined columns removed is printed to file /auto/dufayard/res/ori_nucl_raxml/nucleic_M2946_110x1003_2006.phy.reduced You are using RAxML version 7.0.4 released by Alexandros Stamatakis in April 2008 Alignment has 614 distinct alignment patterns Proportion of gaps and completely undetermined characters in this alignment: 0.191118 RAxML rapid hill-climbing mode Executing 1 inference on the original alignment using a distinct randomized MP tree All free model parameters will be estimated by RAxML GAMMA model of rate heteorgeneity, ML estimate of alpha-parameter GAMMA Model parameters will be estimated up to an accuracy of 0.1000000000 Log Likelihood units Partition: 0 Name: No Name Provided DataType: DNA Substitution Matrix: GTR Empirical Base Frequencies: pi(A): 0.248313 pi(C): 0.226223 pi(G): 0.311915 pi(T): 0.213549 3.311520 -17279.689063 6.602031 -17233.404982 16.049870 -17232.799706 34.129216 -17114.482792 48.396338 -17060.983833 64.628786 -17041.010964 79.294445 -17032.786290 92.689084 -17032.649046 106.603900 -17032.050981 120.658775 -17031.839731 141.066420 -17028.789347 160.644718 -17027.824962 179.853200 -17027.726220 198.667987 -17027.639071 226.554434 -17027.561081 244.913697 -17027.561081 260.066726 -16997.259547 Overall Time for 1 Inference 260.083687 Likelihood : -16997.259547 Parsimony starting tree written to: /auto/dufayard/res/ori_nucl_raxml/./RAxML_parsimonyTree.nucleic_M2946_110x1003_2006.phy_RAXML Final tree written to: /auto/dufayard/res/ori_nucl_raxml/./RAxML_result.nucleic_M2946_110x1003_2006.phy_RAXML Execution Log File written to: /auto/dufayard/res/ori_nucl_raxml/./RAxML_log.nucleic_M2946_110x1003_2006.phy_RAXML Execution information file written to: /auto/dufayard/res/ori_nucl_raxml/./RAxML_info.nucleic_M2946_110x1003_2006.phy_RAXML