You are using RAxML version 7.0.4 released by Alexandros Stamatakis in April 2008 Alignment has 921 distinct alignment patterns Proportion of gaps and completely undetermined characters in this alignment: 0.097936 RAxML rapid hill-climbing mode Executing 1 inference on the original alignment using a distinct randomized MP tree All free model parameters will be estimated by RAxML GAMMA model of rate heteorgeneity, ML estimate of alpha-parameter GAMMA Model parameters will be estimated up to an accuracy of 0.1000000000 Log Likelihood units Partition: 0 Name: No Name Provided DataType: AA Substitution Matrix: WAG Fixed Base Frequencies: pi(A): 0.087000 pi(R): 0.044000 pi(N): 0.039000 pi(D): 0.057000 pi(C): 0.019000 pi(Q): 0.037000 pi(E): 0.058000 pi(G): 0.083000 pi(H): 0.024000 pi(I): 0.049000 pi(L): 0.086000 pi(K): 0.062000 pi(M): 0.020000 pi(F): 0.038000 pi(P): 0.046000 pi(S): 0.070000 pi(T): 0.061000 pi(W): 0.014000 pi(Y): 0.035000 pi(V): 0.071000 8.403438 -17589.265633 34.460177 -17558.563326 69.998171 -17558.563326 182.535276 -17549.655319 351.574086 -17549.655319 509.423074 -17549.655319 604.339437 -17549.655319 608.459777 -17549.380669 609.590965 -17549.380669 620.953109 -17548.936558 Overall Time for 1 Inference 620.977409 Likelihood : -17548.936558 Parsimony starting tree written to: /auto/dufayard/res/ori_prot_raxml/./RAxML_parsimonyTree.proteic_M1377_19x1566_2003.phy_RAXML Final tree written to: /auto/dufayard/res/ori_prot_raxml/./RAxML_result.proteic_M1377_19x1566_2003.phy_RAXML Execution Log File written to: /auto/dufayard/res/ori_prot_raxml/./RAxML_log.proteic_M1377_19x1566_2003.phy_RAXML Execution information file written to: /auto/dufayard/res/ori_prot_raxml/./RAxML_info.proteic_M1377_19x1566_2003.phy_RAXML 620.44user 0.00system 10:20.99elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+0minor)pagefaults 0swaps