You are using RAxML version 7.0.4 released by Alexandros Stamatakis in April 2008 Alignment has 427 distinct alignment patterns Proportion of gaps and completely undetermined characters in this alignment: 0.000000 RAxML rapid hill-climbing mode Executing 1 inference on the original alignment using a distinct randomized MP tree All free model parameters will be estimated by RAxML GAMMA model of rate heteorgeneity, ML estimate of alpha-parameter GAMMA Model parameters will be estimated up to an accuracy of 0.1000000000 Log Likelihood units Partition: 0 Name: No Name Provided DataType: DNA Substitution Matrix: GTR Empirical Base Frequencies: pi(A): 0.188950 pi(C): 0.228400 pi(G): 0.320000 pi(T): 0.262650 0.610367 -8711.873359 1.331916 -8705.414446 3.183840 -8694.960108 5.848411 -8690.747856 9.694851 -8689.899047 13.693118 -8689.181632 17.358055 -8689.063912 21.080655 -8688.976027 24.744889 -8688.880669 26.596021 -8688.815672 26.622947 -8688.815672 28.456005 -8688.458438 Overall Time for 1 Inference 28.470990 Likelihood : -8688.458438 Parsimony starting tree written to: /auto/dufayard/res/simu_raxml/./RAxML_parsimonyTree.data98.phy_RAXML Final tree written to: /auto/dufayard/res/simu_raxml/./RAxML_result.data98.phy_RAXML Execution Log File written to: /auto/dufayard/res/simu_raxml/./RAxML_log.data98.phy_RAXML Execution information file written to: /auto/dufayard/res/simu_raxml/./RAxML_info.data98.phy_RAXML