.......................... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CURRENT SETTINGS ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .......................... . Sequence filename : proteic_M1375_23x530_2003.phy . Data type : aa . Sequence format : interleaved . Number of data sets : 1 . Nb of bootstrapped data sets : 0 . Model name : WAG . Proportion of invariable sites : 0.000000 . Number of subst. rate categs : 4 . Gamma distribution parameter : estimated . 'Middle' of each rate class : mean . Amino acid equilibrium frequencies : model . Optimise tree topology : yes . Tree topology search : SPRs . Starting tree : BioNJ . Add random input tree : no . Optimise branch lengths : yes . Optimise substitution model parameters : yes . Run ID : none oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo . Compressing sequences... . 370 patterns found. (out of a total of 530 sites) . 201 sites without polymorphism (37.92%). . Computing pairwise distances... . Building BioNJ tree... . This analysis requires at least 20Mo of memory space. . Maximizing likelihood (using SPR moves)... . ( 1 sec) [ -7895.0956] [Alpha ][ 0.500960] . ( 20 sec) [ -7872.7451] [ 1229] [depth= 6] . ( 21 sec) [ -7865.3784] [ 1228] [depth= 1] . ( 32 sec) [ -7858.7954] [ 1233] [depth= 1] . ( 39 sec) [ -7857.8381] [ 1228] [depth= 5] . ( 39 sec) [ -7840.8906] [ 1223] [depth= 1] . ( 52 sec) [ -7830.0349] [ 1223] [depth= 1] . ( 67 sec) [ -7823.2777] [ 1222] [depth= 1] . ( 68 sec) [ -7821.3573] [ 1221] [depth= 2] . ( 68 sec) [ -7816.3418] [ 1220] [depth= 2] . ( 69 sec) [ -7815.2907] [ 1221] [depth= 4] . ( 91 sec) [ -7814.7194] [ 1221] [depth= 1] . ( 91 sec) [ -7810.1359] [ 1221] [depth= 1] . ( 99 sec) [ -7809.7535] [ 1222] [depth= 1] . ( 100 sec) [ -7806.7649] [ 1221] [depth= 1] . ( 100 sec) [ -7803.3865] [ 1222] [depth= 1] . ( 106 sec) [ -7799.6012] [ 1217] [depth= 1] . ( 117 sec) [ -7797.8988] [ 1216] [depth= 1] . ( 123 sec) [ -7795.6989] [ 1218] [depth= 1] . ( 138 sec) [ -7772.8183] [Branch lengths ] . ( 138 sec) [ -7772.3425] [Alpha ][ 0.540654] . ( 156 sec) [ -7771.1929] [ 1218] [depth= 1] . ( 156 sec) [ -7769.4845] [ 1215] [depth= 1] . ( 348 sec) [ -7767.9935] [Branch lengths ] . ( 349 sec) [ -7767.9634] [Alpha ][ 0.551374] . ( 372 sec) [ -7767.4538] [ 1216] [depth= 3] . ( 563 sec) [ -7766.8638] [Branch lengths ] . ( 563 sec) [ -7766.8595] [Alpha ][ 0.555429] . ( 785 sec) [ -7766.8126] [Branch lengths ] . ( 785 sec) [ -7766.8126] [Topology ] . ( 787 sec) [ -7766.8083] [Topology ] . ( 789 sec) [ -7766.8067] [Topology ] . ( 791 sec) [ -7766.8060] [Topology ] . ( 791 sec) [ -7766.8055] [Alpha ][ 0.556785] . ( 792 sec) [ -7766.8055] [Topology ] . ( 794 sec) [ -7766.8050] [Topology ] . ( 794 sec) [ -7766.8050] [Alpha ][ 0.556785] . Checking for NNIs, optimizing five branches... . Log likelihood of the current tree: -7766.804982. . Printing the most likely tree in file 'proteic_M1375_23x530_2003.phy_phyml_tree.txt'... . Time used 0h13m29s oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 799.66user 0.00system 13:28.90elapsed 98%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+0minor)pagefaults 0swaps