.......................... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CURRENT SETTINGS ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .......................... . Sequence filename : proteic_M1499_22x513_2003.phy . Data type : aa . Sequence format : interleaved . Number of data sets : 1 . Nb of bootstrapped data sets : 0 . Model name : WAG . Proportion of invariable sites : 0.000000 . Number of subst. rate categs : 4 . Gamma distribution parameter : estimated . 'Middle' of each rate class : mean . Amino acid equilibrium frequencies : model . Optimise tree topology : yes . Tree topology search : SPRs . Starting tree : BioNJ . Add random input tree : no . Optimise branch lengths : yes . Optimise substitution model parameters : yes . Run ID : none oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo . Compressing sequences... . 440 patterns found. (out of a total of 513 sites) . 87 sites without polymorphism (16.96%). . Computing pairwise distances... . Building BioNJ tree... . This analysis requires at least 22Mo of memory space. . Maximizing likelihood (using SPR moves)... . ( 0 sec) [ -12557.6395] [Alpha ][ 0.856477] . ( 60 sec) [ -12555.7312] [ 2338] [depth= 1] . ( 61 sec) [ -12555.3621] [ 2338] [depth= 1] . ( 65 sec) [ -12552.4390] [ 2338] [depth= 1] . ( 66 sec) [ -12543.7453] [ 2338] [depth= 1] . ( 69 sec) [ -12536.4678] [ 2338] [depth= 1] . ( 74 sec) [ -12533.0242] [ 2339] [depth= 1] . ( 74 sec) [ -12530.6027] [ 2340] [depth= 1] . ( 75 sec) [ -12525.0215] [ 2339] [depth= 1] . ( 89 sec) [ -12524.3564] [ 2343] [depth= 1] . ( 93 sec) [ -12513.4581] [ 2339] [depth= 1] . ( 105 sec) [ -12509.8724] [ 2341] [depth= 1] . ( 118 sec) [ -12507.5321] [ 2339] [depth= 1] . ( 122 sec) [ -12481.1962] [Branch lengths ] . ( 123 sec) [ -12479.6864] [Alpha ][ 0.969158] . ( 285 sec) [ -12475.3112] [Branch lengths ] . ( 285 sec) [ -12475.3112] [Topology ] . ( 287 sec) [ -12473.0541] [Topology ] . ( 289 sec) [ -12472.0492] [Topology ] . ( 291 sec) [ -12471.8833] [Topology ] . ( 293 sec) [ -12471.8153] [Topology ] . ( 294 sec) [ -12471.7806] [Topology ] . ( 296 sec) [ -12471.7614] [Topology ] . ( 298 sec) [ -12471.7506] [Topology ] . ( 298 sec) [ -12471.6554] [Alpha ][ 0.999427] . ( 299 sec) [ -12471.6554] [Topology ] . ( 300 sec) [ -12471.6478] [Topology ] . ( 302 sec) [ -12471.6437] [Topology ] . ( 304 sec) [ -12471.6414] [Topology ] . ( 306 sec) [ -12471.6401] [Topology ] . ( 308 sec) [ -12471.6393] [Topology ] . ( 308 sec) [ -12471.6393] [Alpha ][ 1.000426] . ( 308 sec) [ -12471.6393] [Topology ] . ( 310 sec) [ -12471.6388] [Topology ] . ( 310 sec) [ -12471.6388] [Alpha ][ 1.000426] . Checking for NNIs, optimizing five branches... . Log likelihood of the current tree: -12471.638827. . Printing the most likely tree in file 'proteic_M1499_22x513_2003.phy_phyml_tree.txt'... . Time used 0h5m26s oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 321.99user 0.00system 5:26.83elapsed 98%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+0minor)pagefaults 0swaps