Inertia around the diagonal (What is seriation ?)

The inertia of dissimilarities around the diagonal of D is measured by the following criterion:
where |i-j| represents the distance from the cell (i,j) to the diagonal of D and d(i,j) the weight of the cell (i,j) of D.

The seriation based on this criterion searches for the permutation which maximizes this criterion.
This is equivalent to moving high dissimilarities away from the diagonal of D, and, as a corollary, the low values are moved near the diagonal.
Similar to the criterion used by the "Unidimensional Scaling" method, this criterion is global, for it takes alldissimilarities of D into account. Then it takes general trends into account.

The difference with the UDS approach is the weighting attributed to the cells in D.
The inertia criterion gives more weight to the cells situated far from the diagonal, then it tends to oppose the extremes rather than to bring together contiguous items.
However, experience has shown that both approaches give similar and possibly complementary results.

The optimization procedures for this criterion are analogous to those used in the UDS method:
In the general case, the numerical heuristic searches for specific directions, whereas the combinatory approach proceeds by successive transpositions in accordance with the maximum gradient method.
Under a tree constraint, an ascendant greedy heuristic is usually used to determine, at each stage, the position of each subtree which maximizes the inertia criterion.
