BIONJ: an improved version of the NJ algorithm based on a simple model of sequence data.

Gascuel O. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 1997 14:685-695.

Please cite THESE papers if you use BIONJ.

Download BIONJ binaries

The package contains executable files for Linux, Mac OSX and Windows systems.

The distance matrix must be in PHYLIP square format. The program asks for the input and output file names. When the input file contains several matrices given one after the other, as obtained when combining SEQBOOT and DNADIST from PHYLIP to perform a bootstrap analysis, BIONJ returns the same number of trees, written one after the other in the output file; this file may be given to CONSENSE to obtain the bootstrap tree.


This is the C source code of BIONJ, compatible with Linux, Windows and PowerMac. It reads distance matrix(ces) in PHYLIP square format, and return tree(s) in standard Newick format.
