RNA-Ribo Explorer (RRE)

Here is the reference of our preprint:
"RNA-Ribo-Explorer: interactive mining and visualisation of Ribosome profiling data"
D. Paulet, A. David, E. Rivals
BioRXiv doi:10.1101/2021.03.23.436679, March 2021.
HAL reference lirmm-01998415v2, 14 p., March 2021.


RNA-Ribo Explorer (RRE) is an interactive, stand-alone, and graphical software for analysing, viewing and mining both transcriptome (typically RNA-seq) and translatome (typically Ribosome profiling or Ribo-seq) datasets. RRE enables you to query RNA-seq and Ribo-seq datasets jointly and interactively, and to search for subset of RNAs whose translation status or regulation is altered in certain conditions.

RRE is freely available under a Cecill Licence on gitlab: https://gite.lirmm.fr/rivals/RRE/-/releases. It is implemented in JAVA language in order to be platform independent. It has been tested on Linux/UNIX system and on Windows 10, but can also be used MacOSX platforms. *Keywords*: genomics, translation, NGS, software, interactive, visualisation, bioinformatics


The source code is available on GitLab

User's manual

A comprehensive User's manual is available in HTML and in PDF.


For comments, support, feedback, requests, etc., please email translatome@lirmm.fr with your name, contact address.

Eric Rivals